Green chair with rolled blue blanket on it

Individual Therapy

At Forma, we believe that everyone can benefit from therapy.

Brick building with a mural that says "How are you, really?"

There are times when a person…

  • feels isolated in their experience and needs space to process their daily challenges

  • experiences paralyzing symptoms of anxiety, or feel too depressed to find joy in their life

  • at their wit’s end in trying to manage challenging family or intimate relationships

  • second guessing themselves about their professional pursuits and question their own value and competence

We want you to know it’s completely normal to be feeling any and all of these things.

In individual therapy you will…

collaborate with a competent, caring, and non-judgmental therapist to deepen understanding of yourself and build resilience to meet, manage, and overcome daily challenges.

Therapy helps clients comprehend confusing and intrusive thoughts and uncover old relational patterns that persist in hijacking emotions–making one feel unworthy, unsatisfied, and anxious.

Person sitting with there hands in their lap

Forma therapists help you explore and develop a personal philosophy which allows you to face uncertainty and challenges in the world.

Individual therapy can help you improve your life, your relationships, and sense of worth.

Above all, Forma Counseling is committed to helping you form your best self.

Interested in learning more? Read about Forma Counseling’s modalities.